Bach Flowers Remedies
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New Life Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (100ml)
Bach Flower Remedies
New Life Bach Flower Vine (100ml)
For stubborn people, good confidence, aggressive, irrtiable
New Life Bach Flower Holly (30ml)
For people with bad temper, angry, full of aggression, abuse others
New Life Bach Flower Agrimony 30 (30ML)
It helps you to deal with anxiety and stress.
New Life Bach Flower Willow (100ml)
Bach Flower Remedies
New Life Bach Flower Agrimony 30 (100ML)
It helps you to deal with anxiety and stress.
New Life Bach Flower Aspen (100ml)
For Fear, Worry, Tension of small things
New Life Bach Flower Beech (100ml)
For people with less emotions, Fault finder, perfectionist
New Life Bach Flower Chestnut Bud (100ml)
For people who repeats mistakes, Confused, Angry, Low self esteem
New Life Bach Flower Crab Apple (100ml)
The Cleansing Remedy, anxiety about cleanliness, Obsessive
New Life Bach Flower Holly (100ml)
For people with bad temper, angry, full of aggression, abuse others
New Life Bach Flower Honey Suckle (100ml)
For sadness, constant crying, keeps thinking about past, Homesick