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Hapdco Rheumacon Oil 30ml
Decreases Swelling, Stiffness, Pain in Joints, useful in Gout
Hapdco Rheumacon Oil
Decreases Swelling, Stiffness, Pain in Joints, useful in Gout
Hapdco Mensol Syrup (120ml)
Irregular Menses, scanty/profuse, Pain,cramps in menses
Hapdco Mensol Syrup (450ml)
Irregular Menses, scanty/profuse, Pain,cramps in menses
Hapdco Calendula Plus Cream (25g)
Calendula cream gently treats burns, cuts and itching, reduces rashes and redness
Hapdco Marks Go Cream (25g)
Hapdco Marks Go Cream is an effective cream which helps lightening & erasing stretch marks and scars
Hapdco Cholerasol Drops (30ml)
Hyperacidity, Belching, Gastritis, Flatulence, Abdominal Cramps.
Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream (25g)
For Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Facial Scars and Unhealthy Skin
Hapdco Tena Card Drops (30ml)
Relieves Palpitations, Anxiety, Heart Pain, regulates Pulse, Heart tonic